Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Leading Eyeglass Lens Manufacturer Offering 3-D Bi-Focals

HOLA International, a leading eyeglass lens manufacturer, has developed a line of bi-focals that allow the wearer to watch 3-D movies and television without the need for additional glasses. The company has also come up contact lenses that can be worn only for viewing this type of technology. The lenses come in regular and prescription strengths.

Said a HOLA International company spokesperson, “with the recent technological breakthroughs in broadcasting in 3-D, we wanted to be the first company to offer a stylish alternative to viewers instead of the geeky paper and plastic versions now being sold at movie theaters. Our 3-D glasses will revolutionize the industry and make it cheaper for most to go to the movies because they won’t be charged $3 to $5 extra for a pair of cheap, throwaway 3-D glasses. In addition, with 3-D TV coming into homes, it will be essential to have a pair of glasses or lenses that will last for more than 2 or 3 viewings.”

In addition, HOLA is pairing with ZEBRA Vision, manufacturer of distinctly different contact lenses, to offer a “Way Out There” collection of 3-D contact lenses, including the “8 ball”, “Eyes that Follow You”, “Hellfire”, “Dead Eye,” “Lizard Alien”, and “Vampire Red” models which will allow the wearer to watch their favorite 3-D shows in character.

Wal-Mart and LensCrafters are expected to have the first of this kind of 3-D glasses and lenses in stores by June of this year, just in time for another round of 3-D blockbuster summer hits in theaters across America.

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