Thirty-five years ago, you wouldn’t have been able to tell Joe P. Freely that he’d someday get rich selling bottled water, but today, it’s money that’s flowing from Freely’s diet spring water business in Big Spring, Texas. “Your Nation Natural Diet Water” is the fastest selling diet water in the southwest. In fact, it’s selling so fast that Freely can’t keep it on shelves. “We are flush with success,” says Freely. It doesn’t hurt business either that Your Nation Natural Diet Water comes with a free dispenser fashioned after the cute cherub fountains found in Italy (see photo). You can choose from a variety of colors to fit your home or office décor.
“This ain’t just any spring water,” claims Joe. “Making Your Nation a part of a sensible diet plan is the only way to lose weight quickly and effectively. We guarantee it or your money back.” Joe goes on to say that all one needs to do is drink 8-8oz. bottles of his water a day, along with a sensible diet, and he guarantees the pounds will fall away. Your Nation is a bit more expensive than regular water, but it has to be claims Freely. “People didn’t get fat by not spending their hard earned money on fast food, and they aren’t gonna get skinny by drinking tap water. They need a special water to help them do that and Your Nation is the key to that success.”
Joe wouldn’t let us in on why he believes his water is different, but when asked, he did show us before and after pictures of some of his clients. Take Cindy C. from Elsinore, TX. Your Nation has been a part of her diet plan now for 2 years and she has gone from a size 22 dress to a size 2 and looks like a million bucks. Her testimony says volumes. “Within two hours of my first taste of Your Nation, I knew I was hooked. I’ve been drinking Your Nation regularly now for going on two years and love the taste. It is so refreshing, and along with a sensible diet, if I feel like eating, which I normally don’t after drinking Your Nation, I have been able to shed the pounds effortlessly.”
Freely’s list of satisfied customers goes on and on and reads like a Texas list of Who’s Who. We agreed not to give out any names but we can tell you that a certain Desperate Housewife from Texas is a regular customer of Your Nation, along with a few other notoriously thin actresses. In fact, if an actress is thin and from the southwest, two to one she’s been on the Your Nation diet at some time in her life.
Your Nation cannot be found in stores. The only place you can get it is through word of mouth. So next time you are in Big Springs, Texas, be sure to ask someone if they know where you can get hold of some Your Nation so you can get started on a diet plan that will have you losing pounds effortlessly with every bottle of water you drink.
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