Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

Nadya and Kate Create Momopoly on Reality Shows

Nadya Suleman, known as Octomom, and Kate Gosselin, of Jon and Kate Plus 8, have joined forces to create what may be the first momopoly of motherhood-related reality shows.

With 22 kids between them, they’ve decided to pool the insane amounts of money being thrown at them for having more buns in the oven than the Pillsbury doughboy, to form Octomom Productions, in hopes of continuing to exploit their children on various reality shows until they reach the age of consent or lose their novelty, whichever comes first.

Plans to purchase Neverland Ranch as headquarters for the entire brood are in the negotiation stages. Said Nadya, “Kate and I have become very close since our first meeting to compare big baby belly pictures, and once Jon decided to be like every other lying, rat bastard dad who walked the earth with his promises to love and honor until the babies start screaming and crying at all hours of the night and he has a freakin’ hangover because he can drink but Kate can’t cause she has to nurse and you look at him and say ‘get out of her freakin’ life you sex fiend’ if he goes even close enough to wish sex on her again…” whereupon, the interview was cut short due to Nadya’s inability to utter a coherent sentence.

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